Rotary 4-Way Test Essay Contest
By Makenna Eisenzimmer
St. Paul’s Lutheran School – 5th Grade
Ogallala, NE
The Rotary Four-Way Test is important because it teaches people how to work together to build a better community with good leaders of all ages. The Four-Way Test provided hope for people following World War II that times would get better and they could trust each other again. The Four-Way test is a good statement to live by for everyone today.
Is it the TRUTH? People should always tell the truth because it is the right thing to do. Telling the truth is sometimes difficult. Sometimes people lie because they are scared of getting in more trouble than if they tell the truth. I will admit that I have not always told the truth? When my friend asked me if I had $5 that she could have for the book order, I told her “no” because I didn’t want her to have my money. She was upset with me the rest of the day once she found out that I did have the money in my pocket. Telling the truth will help to build better friendships, keep you out of trouble and people will trust you more if you don’t lie to them.
Is it FAIR to all concerned? People need to be fair to every one they are around. When people are not fair to each other it can hurt someone’s feelings and it may cause them to loose friends which nobody wants to have happen to them. My little sister doesn’t think my parents are fair to her because they always let me do things that she is not allowed to do. I got a new horse and she didn’t. They go to my ball games and not to hers. I get to take guitar lessons and she doesn’t. This hurts her feelings and she always says that it’s “not fair.” Some day she will be older and understand that it’s fair but she just has to wait until she is old enough to be in activities.
Will it build GOODWILL and better FRIENDSHIPS? Good friends are important no matter what your age is because then you always have someone to talk to and that you can trust. I have learned a lot about being a good friend to someone by watching my Grandpa and his friend Harold. They went to kindergarten together and grew up as neighbors and friends. Now that they are both old they like to talk and drink coffee and they worry about each other. They will be friends for a lifetime and they have built goodwill, better friendships and have respect for each other and their community.
Will it be BENEFICIAL to all concerned? It is important to make sure that all decisions for a group or a classroom provide a benefit for everyone. When everyone gains it makes it a better and stronger group and makes the community a better place to live. Leaders sometimes have to make tough choices but they need to think about how their choices will be beneficial to everyone so that everyone gains and nobody loses. It has been beneficial to the students at St Paul’s and St Luke’s Schools that we held a combined volleyball camp. Everyone improved their volleyball skills and we also met new friends from the other school.
The Rotary Four-Way test is a great saying for me to think about as I get older. It will help to teach me how to be kind and build better friendships within a community and hopefully others will also think about the Four-way test. When I’m making decisions I will ask myself these four important questions and use my answers to help me make the best decision that I can for myself and for those within my community. I will always remember if it is the truth, is it fair to all concerned, will it build better friendships and be beneficial to all concerned. If I can answer yes to all these questions, than I am making a good decision for myself and my community.
Makenna Eisenzimmer is a 5th Grader at St Paul’s Lutheran School in Ogallala.
In her spare time she enjoys playing volleyball, basketball, dance, guitar and spending time on the family farm and with friends.
McKenna is an active member of the 4-H program and enjoys participating in various projects including shooting sports, showing pigs, rabbits and horses.
McKenna participated in the Miss Nebraska Little Sister program last summer and organized her first community service project during the holidays with a Tree of Remembrance for Veterans raising $500 for the Ogallala VFW and Operation Remember Me founded by her “big sister” Miss Nebraska 2013 JaCee Pilkington.
McKenna’s favorite part of attending Rotary with her mom is going to the fun activities like the Dam Run for Polio at Lake McConaughy and attending weekly meetings when they serve broasted chicken for lunch!
McKenna is the daughter of Keith & Mary Eisenzimmer and hopefully a future Rotarian. Makenna would like to thank Becky Dailey for organizing the essay contest and District 5630 for the $300 she plans to use for future educational opportunities.