We are People of Action, Would you like to be?

Dian Edwards
District Governor 2012-2013

Happy New Year to All District 5630 Rotarians!

We have all enjoyed a little holiday break, but now it is time to take stock on what activities are scheduled for the remainder of this District 5630 Rotary Year. There are a number of special meetings and workshops designed to help district and club leaders fulfill their duties.

Please mark your calendars and plan to attend events important to your Rotary service: 

  • February 9: District Team Training, Mid Plains Community College, North Platte – This event is designed to provide district officers, district committee chairpersons, and assistant governors with training and information they need to function effectively.
  • March 1-3: President-Elect Training Seminar (PETS), Denver Marriott Tech Center – This annual training will provide incoming club presidents with information and tools they can use in their year as club president. District 5630 budgets for attendance by all president-elects and encourages clubs to invest in sending their president-elect-nominees to attend as well.
  • March 23: District Assembly & Grant Funding Workshop, Kearney – This meeting is designed to provide club committee chairs and club officers with guidance from their district leaders. This year we will also use this forum to provide a two-hour grant-funding workshop that is required for clubs to participate in The Rotary Foundation Grant Programs.
  • April 26-28: District Conference, O’Neill Community Center – The O’Neill District Conference Planning Committee has been busy developing a conference agenda that will provide a nice balance of entertainment, education, and inspiration. Here is a little “sneak peak” of some fun activities being planned:
    • Play 9 Holes of Golf at the O’Neill Country Club 
    • Shoot Blue Rocks with the O’Neill Gun Club
    • Participate in a Texas Hold’Em Tournament at the Blarney Stone 
    • Tour Shamrock Nursery and Shop for Spring Gardens 
    • Tour O’Neill’s own “Tomato Plant” at Garden Fresh Vegetables
    • Dance to the Music of the “Rumbles” 

We will be enlightened, motivated and entertained by speakers:

      • John Baylor, Leader in Rural Development Initiatives 
      • Kevin Kush, Motivational Speaker and Head Football Coach at Boys Town 
      • David Moyers, RI President’s Representative to our District Conference 
      • Tanner Odell, Celebrity Chef and Young Entrepreneur
      • Jason Huneke, Magician/Comedian 

We will be inspired by presentations from:

      • Four-Way Test Essay Contest Winner
      • Youth Exchange Students
      • RYLArians 
      • Group Study Exchange Teams
      • D5630’s PolioPlus NID Team
      • International and Community Service Projects

I want to close with a word of thanks and appreciation to all who have worked so diligently during the past six months to achieve district membership and foundation goals for this Rotary year. Let’s make a strong finish to the year with a continuation of membership growth and increased giving to The Rotary Foundation in support of humanitarian programs at home and throughout the world!

In Service of Rotary,

Dian Edwards, District Governor

P.S. Remember, the success of Rotary is built on the strength of its club members!