We are People of Action, Would you like to be?

By Duane Tappe, District Governor Elect

Duane Tappe District Governor Elect RY 2013-2014

Duane Tappe
District Governor Elect
RY 2013-2014

Fellow Rotarians need to know that your District 5630 Governor Elect is quite engaged in Rotary.

If you haven’t heard by now, the new theme for Rotary International is “Engage Rotary, Change Lives” (read the article). It was revealed by President Elect of Rotary International, Ron Burton at the recent RI Assembly in San Diego.

There was a lot of discussion about the theme by some Governors Elect from foreign countries as to how they can interpret this into their languages. Actually, there are a number of ways to interpret this theme in English.

The International Assembly is a very interesting week as one learns about the diversity and dynamics of our great organization.

Many of you will have an opportunity to rub shoulders with Rotarians outside your Club at some upcoming events. On Saturday February 9, the District Leadership Team will meet in North Platte at the Mid Plains Community College campus.

On March 1 to March 3, Club Presidents Elect and Club President Elect Nominees will meet along with District leaders at PETS in Denver, Colorado. The keynote speakers will all be talking about leadership in one form or another. This should give the officers a boost as they head into their various leadership positions.

On Saturday, March 23, Club and District leaders will have another opportunity for fellowship and learning at our District Assembly in Kearney.

Finally, we all have an opportunity for fun and fellowship when we attend our District Conference in O’Neill on April 25 to 27th. Please plan to “Rumble” on over as I am confident that District Governor Dian Edwards and her crew will have a great Rotary experience for us.

If you really want to do Rotary, you should plan to attend an International conference in Portugal, Australia, or Brazil planned for these next three years. Another leadership opportunity might be for you to check out the possibility of attending a Zone meeting.

Just remember, as much as we enjoy our local club experiences, we are a part of an International Organization that has much to offer local Rotarians.