We are People of Action, Would you like to be?

Duane Tappe District Governor 2013-2014

Duane Tappe
District Governor 2013-2014

As many of our District 5630 Rotarians already know, our 2013-2014 Rotary International President Ron Burton has chosen an interesting theme for us. It is simply “Engage Rotary-Change Lives”.

I know that my Rotary experience has changed my life for the better and I suspect that each of you can say the same thing. We also hope that through our Rotary projects, humanitarian deeds and good citizenship that we have had a positive impact on other lives.

All of us engage Rotary to varying degrees. Some of you are over-achievers in time, talent and resources that you share with Rotary. Some of you are plugging away, attending meetings, paying your dues and are in the wings waiting for the right opportunity to provide your own style of service.

Our district needs all of you. We all know that any great organization needs members and money to thrive. We need to continue to attract new members and retain current members through club involvement. We also hope that we can all be members of Rotary Clubs that have the status of an EREY club. That means that every Rotarian in the club donates to the Rotary Foundation some amount of money every year.

I want to congratulate our past district governors for all their hard work, vision, organizational skills and enthusiasm in engaging Rotary and changing lives. Our upcoming Governors, Koby Rickertsen and Don Peterson are also to be commended for their extraordinary efforts ahead of their Governor years. Our District 5630 is alive and well thanks to our past and future leaders and many engaged Rotarians.

In Service of Rotary.
Duane Tappe
Governor 2013-2014

2013-2014 RI Theme	"Engage Rotary Change Lives"

2013-2014 RI Theme
“Engage Rotary Change Lives”