First of all, I would like to express my appreciation to Sri Seshadri and Don Peterson from the Kearney Dawn Rotary Club and the rest of their Global Grant Committee for their hard work on the Solar Light project. They are to be congratulated for finally being approved by RI for this cooperative venture with a Rotary District in India.
I also want to congratulate the Gothenburg noon club for their recent recognition from RI for being an EREY and a Sustaining Member Club. They are the only Club in District 5630 to have every member donate at least $100 to the Rotary Foundation. I hope that we can announce more clubs receiving these awards in the near future.
I also learned at our recent District Foundation Seminar that we have quite a few generous Rotarians in our district that have joined the Paul Harris Society. That means that they have pledged $1,000 a year to the Rotary Foundation as long as they are capable.
Believe it or not, we are already looking for nominations for District Governor for 2016-2017. Your club presidents should be receiving information on the process soon. The selection committee will be chaired by PDG Dian Edwards. Remember that primary qualifications are that the Rotarian must have been in Rotary for at least seven years and must have served as club president. If you know good candi-dates, please talk to your club president or Dian Edwards for more infor-mation.
I hope your club is getting future leaders lined up. President-elects should be in place to sign up for PETS, which will take place in Denver on Feb. 28, 2014. It is beneficial to all if you also select a president-elect nominee (PEN) for your club for the 2015-16 Rotary year to get in on training opportunities.
I also received some relevant information on The Shelter Box program that has been sanctioned by Rotary International My understanding is that the need is greater than ever, with tents being set up from Oklahoma to Syria. With winter fast approaching, they are urgently preparing to assist an additional 5,000 fami-lies around the world. If your club would like to participate in an international project, this is a good one, You can contact the Shelterbox USA president Emily Sperling at 941-907-6036 or As we sleep in our warm beds at Thanksgiving time, we might pause to count our blessings and think of others not so fortunate. We will have a Shelterbox set up at our District Confer-ence here in McCook May 2-4.
In Service of Rotary.
Duane Tappe
Governor 2013-2014