We are People of Action, Would you like to be?

This recent note from Past District Governor Dave Snow:

As the result of the destruction of the hurricanes in Florida, Texas, and the Caribbean and the earthquake in Mexico, the need for shelter is critical.

At a recent meeting, two members of the St. Paul club challenged the club to raise funds to purchase a Shelter Box. Passing the bowl for cash, IOUs, and checks, they said they would match the club’s gifts. The club officers quickly announced that the club would also match the members’ gifts.

In 15 minutes, the club raised $5025.00 for Shelter Box, which will provide for up to five families.

In the spirit of “helping others,” the St. Paul club is challenging other District 5630 clubs to reach out to help someone in need.


Shelter Box and Contents

Editor’s note: Did you know that ShelterBox USA has a 4-star rating by Charity Navigator? As of today, they’ve earned a 97.41 out of 100 score (just under Rotary’s rating of 97.87.)