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About RYLA

Rotary District 5630 RYLA Rotary Youth Leadership Awards (RYLA) is Rotary’s leadership training program for young people. RYLA participants can be ages 14-30, but most clubs and districts choose to focus on a narrower age range, such as 14-18 or 19-30.

RYLA emphasizes leadership, citizenship, and personal growth, and aims to

  • Demonstrate Rotary’s respect and concern for youth
  • Provide an effective training experience for selected youth and potential leaders
  • Encourage leadership of youth by youth
  • Recognize publicly young people who are rendering service to their communities

Send us your story

District 5630 is looking for your high-quality, color action photos from your RYLA experience to feature on this website.

If you’d like to share your RYLA experience, send your photos and a short description (less than 500 words), along with your name, Rotary Club, and the name of your RYLA event, to webmaster@rotary5630.org or to:


Glenn Knuth
Great Plains RYLA Chair
Cell: 308-380-8786

When sending photos, please be sure to include the photographer’s name so appropriate credit can be given.