We are People of Action, Would you like to be?

The District 5630 Nominating Committee is accepting completed application forms for Governor of District 5630 for Rotary Year 2021 – 2022. The application deadline is December 31, 2018. As provided in our District 5630 Bylaws, the Nominating Committee is comprised of the five most recent Past District Governors residing in the District, with the Immediate Past District Governor serving as Chair.

All nominations must be submitted on the District Governor-Nominee Application Form. Fully completed forms accompanied by a recent photograph should be directed to:

Jerry Milner, IPDG
Chair, District 5630 Nominating Committee
Milner Law Office
3280 Woodridge Blvd, Ste 290
Grand Island, NE 68801

Qualifications for District Governor are prescribed by the Rotary International Manual of Procedure (RIMOP). The RIMOP stipulates that at the time of selection a governor nominee must:

  1. be a member in good standing of a Rotary Club in the District and must have completed seven years of membership at the time of taking office;
  2. be a member of a club in District 5630 that has no indebtedness to RI or the District;
  3. have served a full term as president of a Rotary Club;
  4. demonstrate willingness, commitment and ability to fulfill the duties and responsibilities of governor;
  5. demonstrate knowledge of the duties and responsibilities of governor and be willing and able to perform the duties and responsibilities faithfully.

The RIMOP stipulates additional requirements for governor effective at the time of taking office. Please consult the Manual for these details.