We are People of Action, Would you like to be?

Being a member of a Rotary club does not make someone a Rotarian, it only makes them a member of a Rotary club.  A Rotarian helps the club achieve its goals and acts with high ethical standards.  A Rotarian also participates in the club’s community projects both locally and internationally.

The “Rotarian of the Year” award recognizes District 5060 Rotarians who, through their Rotary service, have made the community locally and internationally a better place to live and work and have made significant contributions to Rotary and the community in the form of leadership or in the advancement of ideas and service.

The District 5630 Rotarian of the Year Award may be presented to any Rotarian (other than honorary member) who has been a member of a Rotary club in District 5040 for the past year.


The nominee must have demonstrated exemplary humanitarian service, with an emphasis on personal volunteer efforts and active involvement in helping others through Rotary. Service rendered by the nominee through Rotary must have been on a continuing basis. The award will not be given solely in recognition of one’s performance in an elected or appointed Rotary assignment. Personal financial contributions to The Rotary Foundation or any individual project are secondary considerations for this award.  The primary consideration for this award is outstanding service in Rotary. Other civic accomplishments may be considered but shall not be a basis for selection. The Five Avenues of Service, the Object of Rotary and the Four Way Test should serve as a guide in evaluating a potential candidate.


The nominee must have consistently demonstrated support of the Object of Rotary through participation in service activities in all or most of the Five Avenues of Service: Club, Vocational, Community, Youth and International.  An individual may only receive this award once and the nominee must be an active Rotarian in good standing. The District Governor, Governor Elect, Governor Elect nominee and Immediate Past Governor are ineligible to receive the award.

The Award

The award will be up to the District Governor.  It may be a special piece of art, etched glass, or a trophy, engraved with the recipients, name, name of their club, date of presentation and the words “District 5630 Rotarian of the Year”. A Rotary banner embroidered with  “Home Club of the Rotarian of the Year” will be presented to the member’s club to be displayed by the club for one year. The award will be presented at the District Conference and the candidate selected is expected to attend to receive the award.

Nomination and Selection Process

Nominations may be made by any District 5630 Rotarian and should be endorsed by the club President/Secretary or a board member on behalf of the Board of directors of a District 5630 Rotary club.  The current District Governor will select a committee of three District 5630 Rotarians as the award selection committee. The Governor will participate as a fourth non-voting member of the committee.  When possible past recipients of the award will be selected to serve on the committee.  The committee members are responsible to promote and publicize the award and encourage nominations.

Nomination forms must be received by the District Governor by April 1st each year. The committee will make a selection NO LATER than April 15.  The recipient’s name will be held in confidence of the selection committee and the District Governor and announced at the District Conference.

Please only use only the Nomination Form and be guided by the Rotarian of the Year Award criteria information sheet.