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September 2020 District 5630 Newsletter


  • Message from DG Bob Taylor
  • Passing the Gavel
  • African Region Free of Wild Poliovirus
  • Rotary’s 7 Areas of Focus
  • Rotary Foundation News
  • Attracting New Members to Your Rotary Club
  • Be a Vibrant Club Workshop Oct 10 or Oct 17
  • Zone Training Institute Sept. 8-11
  • ZOOM Tips
  • Club News: Alliance, Chadron, Chappell, Kimball, McCook, Ogallala, Lexington, North Platte Noon, Alma, Cambridge, Kearney Dawn, Kearney Noon, Grand Island Noon, Hastings Sunrise, Broken Bow Area, O’Neill

The publication target date for the next District 5630 newsletter is
Tuesday, December 1. Please submit your photos and articles by
Monday, November 17, to cheryl@cherylsdesk.com.

Thanks, Cheryl