Submitted by Bob Taylor
The Alma, Nebraska Rotary Club helped to sponsor the Third Annual Polar Plunge, at Patterson Harbor and Marina, on Harlan County Lake. This is one of the many events taking place during the White Pelican Homecoming Celebration, held annually by the Harlan County Tourism Board to celebrate the yearly migration of the white pelican on their migration north.
The Alma Rotary Club helped in many areas of setup, running raffles, helping with registration and other tasks that were needed to make this the successful event that it was. $7600. was raised to help areas TeamMates organization (Tom Osborne’s High School Mentoring program.) The Alma Club is also heavily invested in sponsoring this program in the Alma school system. Other local TeamMates who benefited from this work were Franklin, Holdrege and Minden.
Other funds raised will benefit three – $750 scholarships for students seeking post-secondary education given by Patterson Harbor. Applications can be found at and are due by April 18, 2014.
The Plunge had a St. Patty’s theme and participants and by-standers alike had fun with the various costumes that were worn. While the temperature of the water was only 41 degrees, it was still cold enough to not linger in the water after your jump. A cornbeef and cabbage meal was also serve to warm you up against the March chill.
Images provided by Bob Taylor
(PE Alma Rotary Club)
- Alm Rotary Club, 2014 Polar Plunge Web
- Alm Rotary Club, 2014 Polar Plunge Web
- Alm Rotary Club, 2014 Polar Plunge Web
- Alm Rotary Club, 2014 Polar Plunge Web
- Alm Rotary Club, 2014 Polar Plunge Web
- Alm Rotary Club, 2014 Polar Plunge Web
- Alm Rotary Club, 2014 Polar Plunge Web
- Alm Rotary Club, 2014 Polar Plunge Web
- Alm Rotary Club, 2014 Polar Plunge Web
- Alm Rotary Club, 2014 Polar Plunge Web
- Alm Rotary Club, 2014 Polar Plunge Web
- Alm Rotary Club, 2014 Polar Plunge Web
- Alm Rotary Club, 2014 Polar Plunge Web
- Alm Rotary Club, 2014 Polar Plunge Web
- Alm Rotary Club, 2014 Polar Plunge Web
- Alm Rotary Club, 2014 Polar Plunge Web
- Alm Rotary Club, 2014 Polar Plunge Web