As mentioned in the January News Letter, Arnold Rotary was a 100 percent Paul Harris Fellow Club in 2008. The club achieved that status again last Thursday night, when five of the members were awarded their Paul Harris Fellow pins. Kelli Blevins, Amanda Koubek, Todd Thompson, Holly Hornung-Remund and Arnold businessman Brad Atkins were all awarded their first PH pin. Melody received what is called PH +2. Sunya Peters and Debby Moninger will be awarded their Paul Harris pins at a later date. Paul Harris began a law practice in Chicago in 1896 and in 1905, organized the first Rotary Club with only three members, establishing a goal of “fellowship and friendship.” He realized early on that the club should initiate a “service” project and so they were responsible for the construction of public toilets in Chicago, thus transforming their Rotary club into the first “service club.” By the time of his death at the age of 79, there were over 200,000 members in 75 countries. Rotary has grown to the largest service club in the world. Starting in the 1937-38 Rotary year, individuals who had contributed more than $1000 to the rotary foundation were recognized as Paul Harris Fellows. This recognition is not limited to Rotarians. Karen Hough was awarded the first “Friend of Rotary” award during the evening also. Karen tirelessly helps with any Rotary service project that she can. She can be seen serving at the annual Pancake Feed or serving for at the 4th of July barbecue. “She is always a phone call away and willing to help on any of our projects.” said President Berni Crow. “This was our way of saying ‘Thank you Karen for a job well done.’”