We are People of Action, Would you like to be?


The District 5630 Conference was a great success this year.  Thank you all Rotarians and guests for coming to Kearney and joining in on the fun and fellowship of Rotary.  The conference had many highlights including a great attendance for both Friday and Saturday events. Friday evening entertainment at the Merriman Theatre with Salut Salon resulted in a standing ovation from the sold-out crowd who experienced the “Theatre” at its finest.

Special guests at our conference this year was our International Friendship Team from District 3190 in Bangalore India. Eight members from the India District experienced Nebraska hospitality while sharing with us their culture and friendship through Rotary.

Saturday ‘s events hearing from Katie Spotz’s adventure rowing across the Atlantic Ocean highlighted our District’s goal to raise awareness and funds to support Clean Water Month in our District. $5500.00 was raised from several District Interact and Rotary Clubs to fund a water & sanitation project for a Nigeria school in partnership with Katie. What an inspiration for all to meet Katie and join with her in making a difference for those in need.

The finale of the conference was of course Dancing with the Stars where District Rotarians joined guests from the area to pack the Younes Center for the social event of the year in Kearney. The first ever annual event for Kearney Rotary raised over $30,000.00 for local charities while providing a fun event in showcasing Rotary to the City of Kearney and local area.

We were very honored to have Rotary International Vice President Greg Podd attend our conference and deliver his positive message of Rotary that only he can. His journey to join us was very long and strenuous because of his schedule and spring weather in Nebraska, but he made it and we so appreciate his support to our District.

Our District’s Youth Service groups, Rotaract, Interact, Ryla, and Youth Exchanges engagement in our conference this year really made it a special event for all. They were the leaders in many service projects throughout the year to promote clean water in preparation for our conference events and Katie Spotz’s presentation. They truly are the future leaders in Rotary and of their communities.

 A sincere thank you to the District Conference Committee and many others who pulled together a spectacular program in a world class setting, thank you for all you did. The annual District Conference is a time of celebration and thanks to you that helped and also attended it was a great success.

A thank you to all in the District. Terry and I have had a wonderful year visiting Rotarians throughout District 5630.  We logged several miles visiting all of the clubs at least once.  The time we spent with you in your communities was the highlight of the year for us to experience the difference Rotary is making through all your efforts.

Terry and I attended the 2016 International Convention in Seoul South Korea and experienced the true value of Rotary “International”. We truly do belong to the greatest service organization in the world and I encourage you to all attend the 2017 Convention held in Atlanta Georgia to experience for yourself why we all are proud to be Rotarians!

Because of all of you our District’s membership is increasing, our foundation giving is positive, and the amount of service both local & internationally is the highest ever in our District through utilizing our foundation grants.

Next year we will see even more energy and successes under the leadership of incoming District Governor Tom Mortimer. He will be encouraging all of us to do more with greater energy and interest.  Please give him all the support you can and he will do the same for our clubs and individual Rotarians.       Thank you all Rotarians in District 5630, this year has been a great experience for Terry and I. Best wishes for the future.

“We should not live for ourselves alone, but for the joy in doing good for others.”

– Arch Klumph, founder of The Rotary Foundation

 Thank you for Being a Gift to the World!

 DG Don