We are People of Action, Would you like to be?

James N. Shreck, District Governor 2009-2010

James N. Shreck
District Governor 2009-2010

Dear Fellow Rotarians,

As we begin a new Rotary Year it is vital that we keep President John Kenny’s words foremost in our thoughts and deeds at all times—“The Future of Rotary is in Your Hands”.

During this period of difficult economic times throughout the world, those of us in Nebraska and District 5630 must reflect on how lucky we are and how much better off we are than our brothers and sisters in other parts of the USA and in Third World countries with misguided or underdeveloped economies. We must share our time, our talents and our bounty with those less fortunate so that we can help lead the way to a better tomorrow and a world of peace.

Throughout Rotary Year 2009-2010 let’s all of us place increased emphasis on the three Presidential focus areas of HEALTH AND HUNGER, LITERACY, and WATER RESOURCES. We all need to be aware of local community problems in these areas and do our utmost to improve and, hopefully, solve them. Then— let’s see what we can do in the International arena through a Matching Grant to make life better for those people living without clean water or sanitation, without food, without the safety and peace of mind of good health, and without the literacy needed to improve their standard of living.

As we meet each week we need to have good fun and fellowship. Every member should be involved in planning good Club projects and Social outings. Everyone of us needs to recruit and to retain members. Let’s ALL strive to become more active in our Club, in our District and in Rotary International. If we are to continue to be great, we must accept responsibility both as a Club and as an individual! What we do now, today, this year in our Clubs and District, will determine our future.


My very best wishes to you all for a FANTASTIC AND FUN Rotary Year!!

Sincerely in Rotary,
James N. Shreck
District Governor 2009-2010

2009-2010 RI Theme	"The Future of Rotary Is in Your Hands"

2009-2010 RI Theme
“The Future of Rotary Is in Your Hands”