Bob Mayber, District Governor 2021-2022 (North Platte Noon Rotary Club)

To recognize excellence, the current District Governor has the distinct honor of selecting and recognizing outstanding achievements. Customarily done at the Annual District Governor’s Conference, this was the first time since 2019 that District 5630 members and guests have been able to gather in person. Governor Bob Mayber chose as his theme “It Starts with Us – Serve Others to Change Lives”, an adaptation of RI President Shekhar Mehta‘s 2021-22 theme “Serve to Change Lives.”
Members and Clubs were recognized for their achievements and contributions which helped to make 2021-22 a success.
Scroll down to see the 2021-2022 Award Recipients.
Rotarian of the Year
Scroll down to see the Distinguished Service Award recipient.
Distinguished Service Award
Scroll down to see the Rotary Club of the Year recipient.
Club of the Year
Scroll down to see the Passing of the District Governor Pin to Governor-Elect Deb McCaslin (Broken Bow Area).
Passing of the DG Pin
Use the slider handle to reveal District 5630 District Governor-Elect receiving the honorary Governor’s lapel pin.
Scroll down to see the students who received the Rotary Youth Exchange Scholarships.
Rotary Youth Exchange Scholarships
Use the slider handle to reveal District 5630 Rotary Youth Exchange Scholarship Award recipients.
Scroll down to see the club receiving the Rotary Foundation Annual Fund Giving recognition.
Rotary Foundation Annual Fund Giving
Use the slider handle to reveal The Rotary Foundation Anual Fund Giving recognition.