We are People of Action, Would you like to be?

As Rotarians across central and western Nebraska learn to adapt with varying degrees of how the NOVEL CORONAVIRUS is affecting our personal lives, I ask you to think about our 2019-2020 Rotary International theme, “Rotary Connects to World.”

As we practice Social Distancing in our communities, I have asked clubs to be proactive, find creative ways to connect with each other and to continue to connect in service in our communities. Each of our communities needs will be unique and may change daily, just remember our motto “Service Above Self” and be flexible, be creative.  

Hopefully over the next weeks as this comes to a conclusion and we can resume our normal activities, try to stay engaged with your Rotary family.  Continue to have your club meetings via ZOOM conference.  Share the archive meetings with those that could not join you during your “LIVE” meeting.  Bookmark the District calendar for other ZOOM conference opportunities.  Develop an action plan so when this is over you can easily resume your club’s activities, projects, fundraisers, or identify a future District Grant project.  Above all, brainstorm how can you help club members whose business and lives have been severely impacted?

Just as your club operations have been altered the same is true for our district-sponsored events. We will be rescheduling the District Conference at a later date in the fall.  The district leadership team has canceled all face-to-face events, and will continue ZOOM meetings through May/June. 

District Grant training will be conducted via ZOOM in May/June for clubs wishing to apply for 2020-21 District Grants.  The Rotary International Convention in Honolulu has also been canceled. If you had made plans to go to Hawaii, full refunds are being offered from RI.  Please be sure to cancel your airline tickets and hotel accommodations. 

Your District leadership team is working to formulate content that can be delivered electronically to the membership. Logistics is also an issue that needs to be addressed. Our continued goal is to provide relevant material over all the available platforms.

Stay Safe, Stay Healthy, Stay CONNECTED!