We are People of Action, Would you like to be?

Dian Edwards
District Governor 2012-2013

Greetings to all District 5630 Rotarians!

During this last month of the 2012-2013 Rotary Year, Rotary International directs our attention to Rotary Fellowship. Perhaps when you hear this topic, you automatically think about the good fellowship experiences and camaraderie you enjoy with other Rotarians and their families in your own community.

This is definitely one of the delightful benefits of our Rotary lives. However, official Rotary Fellowships also provide

opportunities for you and your families to expand your fellowship enjoyment with others in the Rotary World who share a common interest in worthwhile recreational activities (sports, hobbies, etc.).

Rotary Fellowships provide a way to further vocational development through acquaintance with others of the same profession, make new friends around the world, explore new opportunities for service, and have fun while  enhancing the Rotary experience. If you are interested in exploring this dimension to your life as a Rotarian, you might want to check out more information at these website links.





This is the last of my messages that will be published in our District 5630 Newsletter during my term of office as District Governor.

As I reflect on the past Rotary year, I believe that we have accomplished many of the goals we set to strengthen and support our clubs, focus and increase humanitarian service, and enhance our public image and awareness. 

Our successes are a direct result of excellent club and district leadership as well as the support and dedication provided by our members to fulfill the mission of Rotary. 

Thank you to all who were part of making this year one of the most memorable and enjoyable years in my life!

In Service of Rotary,

Dian Edwards, District Governor