We are People of Action, Would you like to be?

I would like to thank everyone for your preparation and dedication to make this year’s District assembly successful, the reviews & comments were all very positive. Specifically to the grants training portion of the assembly we now have 21 clubs officially trained due to all your hard work, really great results considering the untimely blizzard conditions.

I have received very positive comments from trainers and those that attended via remotely that not only was the remote training effective but a sincere appreciation for the District offering the option. Based on the feedback & the weather conditions limiting some attendance we are proposing to offer two SKYPE / webinar training dates in addition to the Friday morning of District Conference for clubs to qualify. I hope this not only entices all clubs to participate in grants but also encourages clubs to engage at the District level more often & effectively. The two proposed dates are Saturday April 13th and/or Saturday April 20th (only if needed) from 10:00 am – 12 noon CST, conducted from the UNK computer lab. The two dates will be offered through Skype.  Our current agreement allows us 10 total locations, so we will accept clubs on a first come-first served basis.  

Don Peterson
Cell 308-238-1853

Skype_LogoNOTE:  You should register for a FREE SKYPE account before the training begins.  Once you have registered your account please forward your SKYPE username to Scott McLaughlin (scott@heartlandhosting.com)  or send an “add contact request” to FRAMEITSAM.   To register for SKYPE click here.