We are People of Action, Would you like to be?

By Frank Sibert
District Foundation Chair
email: fjs@rcom-ne.com

You have done a great job of supporting the Polio Plus program this year. I want to thank you for your interest and help.

Support of the Annual Fund–not so good. We are about two months away from the end of the Rotary Year and are short about $20,000.00 of reaching our goal for the year. The problem is that if we don’t put more into the Annual Fund, three years from now it will bite us with a low share amount.

Under the new grant program to go into effect July 1, it will be simple to make grants and each club will want to and be able to participate. If our share is low then we will not have the money to do what we want to do. You probably know that under the share program one-half the funds sent to Rotary International this year will be available to us three years down the road. This is the reason that we need to support the Annual Fund as much as possible this year.

Let’s all look ahead and do what we can to help people around the world with grants in the future. We are all excited about the Future Vision project and want to participate. With your help, we will have the share money in three years to make a mark in helping the needy of the world.

Give all you can. You will be glad you did.