We are People of Action, Would you like to be?

[gview file=”https://rotary5630.org/wp-content/uploads/2018/06/June-2018-District-5630-Newsletter.pdf”]


  • DG Jerry Milner’s Year-End Message
  • DGE Dale Schultz – Greetings!
  • District Membership Chair Dian Edwards: We’re Growing!
  • District Foundation Chair Don Peterson: Doing Good through the Foundation
  • Delane Wycoff: Polio Plus Update
  • Club News: Ogallala, Imperial, Cambridge, Holdrege, Kearney Noon, Broken Bow Area, Kearney Dawn, Hastings Sunrise, Valentine
  • Global Grant Projects: Guatemala, Argentina, Kenya, United States
  • District Public Image Chair Cheryl Bryan: Let’s Drop to Zero!
  • RI Institute September 4-9, 2018

Please note: The target date for the next District 5630 newsletter is September 15, 2018. Please submit your photos and/or articles by Wednesday, September 5, to cheryl@cherylsdesk.com. Thanks!