Dale Schultz
District Governor 2018-2019
Our Rotary International President for the Rotary year 2018-19, Barry Rassin, has selected the theme Be The Inspiration. At the International Assembly in January, President Rassin stated that “we’ve been given the responsibility to build on the work of those who have gone before us – build a solid foundation for the work yet to come – by serving as effectively and as efficiently as we can, keeping our work transparent and accountable; changing the lives of as many people as possible for the better; and ensuring that Rotary continues to provide the best possible experience to its members”.
As your District Governor I’ve been entrusted to carry out this theme by following the new RI vision statement – Together, we see a world where people unite and take action to create a lasting change – across the globe, in our communities and in ourselves. As your District Governor I plan on helping your club to carry out this vision statement, using the Rotary motto of Service Above Self to encourage clubs to plan local service projects, to consider getting involved in a global project and inviting community members to join in completing a local project. RI President Rassin is asking that clubs Be The Inspiration for our community through working with a transformational impact – taking the time to research the needs of the community, involving all the participants and to plan with an partner with those people. I appreciate our past District Governor, Jerry Milner, for formulating a 3-year District 5630 Strategic Plan, focusing on supporting and strengthening out clubs, increasing humanitarian service and enhancing Rotary’s public image and awareness. Th is strategic plan gives our district an outline to follow and coincides with what President Rassin’s goals.
I also appreciate the development last year of our district’s Trilogy team of PDG Don Peterson as our Foundation Chair, PDG Dian Edwards as our Membership Chair and Cheryl Bryan as our Public Image Chair. This team is working as one unit to grow the Foundation, build club membership and publicize our club and district achievements.
Our district is fortunate to have proven leadership serving in our District Committee Chairs, Assistant Governors and Club Presidents. I’m pleased to have DGE Scott McLaughlin and DGN Bob Taylor as our district’s future leaders. Through their involvement in various district leadership functions, Rotary knowledge and experience our district will be well served.
Mark your calendars for the District Celebration in Estes Park, Colorado on June 19-21, 2019. A destination vacation that you can come early or stay late and join the district to celebrate the Rotary year. We’ll have a golf tournament, service project day and close out the celebration with a business meeting, luncheon and magician for our entertainment. We have set aside part of a day that will offer several opportunities to participate in a service project to honor Rotary’s motto Service Above Self. Estes Park offers many activities for families and we’re working with the local vendors to offer reduced costs for them. Save the date and we hope to see you and your family there.
On a final note, I look forward to serving you as your District Governor. I hope that I’m able to Inspire you to get more active within your club, go on a trip to see first hand a global project that either your club or another club is involved and bring awareness of your Rotary club to your community. I pledge to do the best that I can as your District Governor.
In Service,
Dale Schultz
District Governor 2018-2019