We are People of Action, Would you like to be?

Dian Edwards
District Governor 2012-2013

Greetings to All District 5630 Rotarians!

September is the month that Rotary International features New Generations, the youngest generation in the family of Rotary.

Many are participants in Rotary’s youth and young adult programs: Interact, Rotaract, Rotary Youth Leadership Awards (RYLA), and Rotary Youth Exchange. Others are service-minded young people involved in Rotary club and district activities.

New Generations Service became Rotary’s Fifth Avenue of Service in 2010. It is defined in Article 5 of the Standard Rotary Club Constitution:

“New Generations Service recognizes the positive change implemented by youth and young adults through leadership development activities, involvement in community and international service projects, and exchange programs that enrich and foster world peace and cultural understanding. Rotary clubs should be committed to involving youth and young adults in their vocational community, and international service projects, and to providing programs and resources that support them.”

I am pleased to report that New Generations Service is alive and well in District 5630. Great Plains RYLA, held at the 4H Camp in Halsey during this past July, provided a wonderful leadership development program for 80 students whose participation was sponsored by their community Rotary clubs.

The number of Interact Clubs in our district continues to grow. We have one active Rotaract Club at UNK and another at Chadron State is in the planning stage. Our Rotary Youth Exchange program is strong and well-managed. We have much to be proud of with the programs provided for our youth.

Another dimension to New Generations that is making an impact in the Rotary world is the advent of innovative club venues established to provide opportunities for a new generation of young professionals who can participate in Rotary service while balancing priorities of family and work. We encourage these “out of the box” approaches that revitalize and sustain membership growth.

If Rotary service to your community can be enhanced through the involvement of your community’s young professionals, please consider the sponsorship of an extension
club. “New Generations” is the future of Rotary!

In Service of Rotary,

Dian Edwards, District Governor

P.S. Remember, the success of Rotary is built on the strength of its club members!