We are People of Action, Would you like to be?

Together, We

in·spire.  /inˈspī(ə)r/
Fill (someone) with the urge or ability to do or feel something, especially to do something creative.  Are you ready to INSPIRE?

Together, We

Feed the Hungry

During the COVID-19 pandemic through our partnership with Hot Meals USA, and the dedicated manpower of Rotary members, more than a million meals were served and hundreds of thousands of Farm to Family fresh food boxes were delivered.

Together, We


As Rotarians we understand the need to protect and conserve our environment.  This means we adapt, modify and transform.

Past District Governor Deb McCaslin joins Joe and Kelly Kirk on their weekly radio program focused on Rotary service! PDG Deb shares her passion for a project, “Girl’s Empowerment in Zimbabwe”, that you can help with. Listen to the podcast by clicking on the image above.  You can find the podcast library under the name Searching for Service.

Alma Polar Plunge

Submitted by Bob Taylor The Alma, Nebraska Rotary Club helped to sponsor the Third Annual Polar Plunge, at Patterson Harbor and Marina, on Harlan County Lake. This is one of the many events taking place during the White Pelican Homecoming Celebration, held annually by...

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Do you have expenses to submit to the District Governor for reimbursement?  Click the button to the right and download the form.  The form is not editable directly in your browser.  After Downloading the fillable form, https://bit.ly/3TnTu8c, reopen using Acrobat Reader. Alternatively, you can use your phone and the QR Code here.  You’ll need to have the Adobe Reader App installed on your device for a fillable form.  Email the completed form to the District Governor.  Don’t forget to attach receipts.