Greetings to all District 5630 Rotarians! During this last month of the 2012-2013 Rotary Year, Rotary International directs our attention to Rotary Fellowship. Perhaps when you hear this topic, you automatically think about the good fellowship experiences and...
Order your End Polio Now Gear here.
This is an external link, and you will be redirected when you click the button below.
As World Polio Day approaches, you can purchase your own End Polio Now swag from our friends at Platinum Customs, LLC of Imperial, NE. Proceeds from every purchase are being donated to eradicate polio worldwide.

Past District Governor Deb McCaslin joins Joe and Kelly Kirk on their weekly radio program focused on Rotary service! PDG Deb shares her passion for a project, “Girl’s Empowerment in Zimbabwe”, that you can help with. Listen to the podcast by clicking on the image above. You can find the podcast library under the name Searching for Service.
Mel Gosda, 82
Update: Thursday May 30, 2013 Funeral service for Mr. Melvin "Mel" Gosda will be: Tuesday, June 4, 2013at 10:30 a.m. St. Paul's Lutheran Church1515 S. Harrison, Grand Island. Memorials may be directed to St. Paul's Lutheran Church. Â Home address for Mrs. Ginny Gosda...
Brazilian exchange team takes interest in literacy, education
By Lori Pankonin re-posted The Imperial Republican Four educators from Brazil and their team leader visited Imperial Tuesday as part of a Rotary Group Study Exchange (GSE) to share ideas. In turn, a Nebraska team from District 5630 will visit the Brazil District 4580...
4-Way Test Essay Winner, You have to read this…
HOW THE FOUR-WAY TEST CAN IMPACT MY WORLDby: GAVIN STRAUSS How does a young boy know whether he is doing the right thing or making wise choices when no one is there to give him his answer? Beliefs and actions that support the truth, are fair to others, promote...
What is Rotary International? Your Local Rotary Club Is Doing More Than You Think
reposted from Forbes.comDevin Thorpe, Salt Lake Rotary Club Even after I joined the Salt Lake Rotary Club six months ago, I wasn’t sure just what to think. The average age of our active club members—judging by appearances—is north of 65. The image of a bunch of senior...
PolioPlus Challenge Results from PDG Ron Bazata I am pleased to announce that after only four months, the $25,000 Polio Plus match in our District has been completed!! As you may remember, the Bowman Advised Fund from Kearney made a generous $25,000 gift late last...
Jack Hoffman scores a 69 yard touchdown in the 2013 Nebraska Spring Game
Editors Note: Â by Scott McLaughlin. Yesterday I was part of a most amazing moment. Â I was privileged to be in attendance at the 2013 Spring Game as a mentor with TeamMates. Â TeamMates made it possible for Kearney TeamMates Mentors and TeamMates Students to travel to...
Valentine Rotary Club New Members
The Valentine Rotary Club inducted four new members on March 28. (Pictured at left l to r): Monte Neiffer, sponsor; new members: Patrick Kilbride, Golf Pro at The Prairie Club; Margo Mack, PR at The Prairie Club; Rotary President JB Fischer; new member Nathan Sharp,...
Invest Now for Pay-off in Three Years
By Frank SibertDistrict Foundation Chair402-389-0271email: You have done a great job of supporting the Polio Plus program this year. I want to thank you for your interest and help. Support of the Annual Fund--not so good. We are about two months away...
Do you have expenses to submit to the District Governor for reimbursement? Click the button to the right and download the form. The form is not editable directly in your browser. After Downloading the fillable form at, reopen using Acrobat Reader. Alternatively, you can use your phone and the QR Code here. You’ll need to have the Adobe Reader App installed on your device for a fillable form. Email the completed form to the District Governor. Don’t forget to attach receipts.