Honoring District Governor Dian Edwards
District 5630 Rotarians gathered to celebrate the official end of the 2012-2013 Rotary year with the annual Passing of the Pin Dinner on Saturday, June 29. The honoree, Past District Governor Dian Edwards made the “pinning” of 2013-2014 District Governor Duane Tappe. At the completion of the evenings activities, Dian also presented DG Tappe, with all of the districts, “stuff” including the district shelterbox, and several boxes of materials.
10 Past District Governors were in attendance and were recognized for their contributions to the District. Stories were told of their DG year, and were quite entertaining. PDG Diane Finch-Oerter told of her trip to Europe with PDG Marcie Schmidt and their visit to the beach. She told of the many beautiful photos she had taken (pre-digital era), but didn’t realize what she had until she got home and had the film developed. Ask her to share the story when you see her.
Incoming District Governor Duane Tappe (2013-14) and his wife Diana welcomed all Rotarians to the celebration. A lovely dinner was shared by all. The evening was organized by district trainer, Loraine Lawler, rololawler@charter.net. Read more about the event in the July Newsletter.
Event Info
- Passing of the Pin Dinner
- June 29, 2013
- Quality Inn and Suites, Sandhills Convention Center
- 2102 S. Jeffers, North Platte, NE
- Several members of the McCook Rotary Club were in attendance to celebrate with newly pinned DG Duane Tappe
- Ten PDG’s and 2 future DG’s were in attendance.
- Duane Tappe picked up this special gift at the Lisbon, Portugal Rotary International Conference.
- Duane Tappe presents Dian Edwards with a plaque and thanks Dian for her years of service to Rotary.
- Dian Edwards told a funny story about a “shirt” she has made of the same material.
- Dian Edwards “pins” Duane Tappe.
- Dian Edwards congratulates Duane Tappe and wishes him success on his District Governor year.