After years of planning and a three-year pilot, the Future Vision grant system was launched worldwide on 1 July. Rotary’s new grants offer a range of possibilities for supporting humanitarian activities, scholarships, and vocational training locally and abroad. Here are resources that can familiarize you with the new grants:
- Rotary Leader — Learn about various aspects of the grant system and read success stories.
- Global Outlook: A Rotarian’s Guide to the New Foundation Grants — Read a primer on the new system.
- Videos — Hear what Rotarians have to say about sustainability, vocational training teams, and other aspects of the new grant model.
- Facts about Vocational Training Teams — Learn how these teams take the Group Study Exchange concept one step further by combining service with international friendship.
- Facts about Rotary Foundation Scholarships — Learn how you can use district, global, and packaged grants to provide various types of scholarships.
Updates to policy document
The Terms and Conditions for Rotary Foundation District Grants and Global Grants have been updated as follows:
- After grant approval, any changes to the original project plan must be preapproved by The Rotary Foundation (Section II).
- Additions to existing structures are not eligible expenditures (Section III).
- Global grants for humanitarian projects may not consist primarily of research-oriented activities or data collection (Section III).
- Individuals who make their travel arrangements through RITS/BCD Travel will automatically be covered by an insurance policy (Section V).
- Healthcare professionals who will be providing services as part of the grant activities are expected to have a minimum of US$500,000 in professional liability insurance coverage (Section V).
- Rotarians and their family members may serve on a vocational training team as long as the team is providing, not receiving, training (Section V).
- Scholars are no longer required to reside in their host districts (Section V).
- Global grant sponsors do not need to explain budget variances in the final report (Section IX).