By Frank Sibert
District Foundation Chair
The end of the year is upon us. November is about to close and December will go fast. The Foundation needs help and you are the one to lend the support.
You can choose from three funds. They are the Polo Plus Fund, the Annual Fund and the Permanent Fund
I was at the meeting in Grand Island where Jeff Raikes presented a learned report on Polo Plus. He informed us that we were almost there in eradicating Polo but that now is not the time to let down. He stated that if we don’t complete the job now that Polo could be back where we started in a few years.
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Rotary has done a great job in stamping out this dreaded sickness. Now is not the time to stop your support. Please give to Polo Plus. Give all you can.
The Annual Fund is the sharing fund. Money given to the Annual Fund is invested for three years, which pays the overhead. At the end of the three-year period, one-half of the gift is returned to the District and the other one-half goes to the World Fund.
The half that is returned to the District may be used by your club for grants to worthy causes of your choice. Gifts to the Annual Fund are like having your cake and eating it too. This fund gives a good return on your money. Support this fund if you can.
The Permanent Fund is Rotary’s endowment. Gifts given to this fund will be there forever. Only the interest from the fund is used. The principal is never spent. This is a way for you to have your gift help for forever. We have not given very much to this fund in the past. I hope it will get more support in the future.
Now that the year is about to end I want to thank all of you for your support of Rotary. You are doing a great job of helping the needy of the world. Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year.