In response to the COVID-19 pandemic, we want to support the Rotary Clubs of District 5630 in their efforts to engage and onboard new members. Many clubs have recently welcomed members to their club and some have potential members signing on during virtual meetings....
Order your End Polio Now Gear here.
This is an external link, and you will be redirected when you click the button below.
As World Polio Day approaches, you can purchase your own End Polio Now swag from our friends at Platinum Customs, LLC of Imperial, NE. Proceeds from every purchase are being donated to eradicate polio worldwide.

Past District Governor Deb McCaslin joins Joe and Kelly Kirk on their weekly radio program focused on Rotary service! PDG Deb shares her passion for a project, “Girl’s Empowerment in Zimbabwe”, that you can help with. Listen to the podcast by clicking on the image above. You can find the podcast library under the name Searching for Service.
Restocking Your Community Pantry: COVID-19 response
In the aftermath of the Novel Coronavirus (COVID-19) Pandemic, and with so many people unable to work and provide for themselves and their families, community food banks and pantries have seen their inventory decimated and the need for services expand...
Additional Video Resources
Rotary's People of Action campaign. Where others see problems, Rotarians see opportunities. People of Action from Rotary Zones 26 & 27 on Vimeo. Here is a clever approach, What is Rotary to you?   It's a funny thing we do every week, is this your club? Video... Provides a Means to stay Connected
The Novel Coronavirus (COVID-19) Pandemic is proving to embolden and unify our global efforts to eradicate this terrible disease. Our leaders have required that we stay quarantined and apart from each other, but we don't have to stay isolated. provides...
2020 District Conference Cancelled – DG Scott McLaughlin
On March 11, 2020, the World Health Organization (WHO) declared the COVID-19 outbreak a pandemic. This is an emerging, rapidly evolving situation. We are in uncharted territory. As our communities continue to be impacted by the evolving effects of the COVID-19 virus,...
District Trainer needed for RY 2020-21
District 5630 has an opening for the Rotary year 2020-21 for a District Trainer. If you have someone in your club you think would be an inspirational leader with educational and instructional skills, please ask them if they would be willing to serve in a district...
Our Membership Challenge
Just as the picture depicts, our membership numbers in the district are at crisis point. This is certainly not to blame any one person, club or challenge. We have arrived here as the consequence of our lack of action, and acceptance that we have a problem. In a...
Do you have expenses to submit to the District Governor for reimbursement? Click the button to the right and download the form. The form is not editable directly in your browser. After Downloading the fillable form at, reopen using Acrobat Reader. Alternatively, you can use your phone and the QR Code here. You’ll need to have the Adobe Reader App installed on your device for a fillable form. Email the completed form to the District Governor. Don’t forget to attach receipts.