“MAGIC OF ROTARY SUMMIT: Empowering Change, Ending Slavery”
What a way to kickoff National Human Trafficking Prevention Month! Fellow DG Lore Beckius invited me to Rotary District 5630 in Nebraska to represent Rotary Action Group Against Slavery and share about Human Trafficking as the opener of the District’s Membership, Foundation and Public Image mid-year recharge.
It was really cold when I arrived (duh, Nebraska in January), but I was warmly welcomed by my Aide, PDG Scott McLaughlin, who even brought me an awesome coffee tumbler! His club, the Kearney Dawn Rotary Club, hosted reception and a community conversation on sex trafficking at a local church Friday evening. The fellowship before the session and Q&A following were fantastic! What a great event!!— with Lore Beckius.
The next morning DG Lorena picked me up at 0’Dark Thirty to head to their summit. The roads weren’t bad when we were on them, but an ice storm was rolling in, which deterred a lot of folks from coming. With about 40-50 who braved the storm in attendance – including a handful of community members who weren’t Rotarians (yet) and more who will view the videos later, the show went on.
The audience was one of the best and most engaged I’ve seen. They asked incredible questions for nearly 45 minutes after I finished my program and several joined the RAGAS Justice League and participated in a fun flash-mob style skit. It was a blast!! Their DG line plans to sign the RAGAS pledge to promote anti-trafficking efforts in their District (unfortunately they couldn’t all be there due to weather and illnesses), but they already have a committee together to make it happen!
I had the honor of staying for their mid-year recharge summit too, which was awesome – this District has great leaders who are passionate about Rotary! It was inspiring to attend!
That evening it was super cold and icky, so the planned dinner and hockey game got cancelled. I took advantage of the peace and quiet and holed-up at the hotel to binge watch Heartland, season 16, ate some of the chocolates they gifted me and meandered down to the hotel restaurant for some crab Rangoon pizza and Mexican street corn (both amazing!) for dinner (of course some Prosecco to wash it down). Not a bad way to end the day.
Since church the next morning was cancelled due to the storm, I got to sleep in – until almost 10!! It was amazing to get such deep sleep in a hotel and I awoke well rested. I packed before DGE Sarah picked me up for brunch. It was nice to spend time with her and get to know her better. She is the aide for a US Senator and is interested in helping get some more anti trafficking legislation passed. God once again put the right person in my path. It constantly amazes me how He does this. It shouldn’t anymore, yet it always does. God is good!

I was smart when I left VA, and put the defrost on high before I shut off my car. I started the car from my app when I got off the plane and extended the time – and it was warm and defrosted when I got to it (yay!! Small wins at 12:40am). The roads here were a mess and it took me forever to get home from Dulles. 2:30AM. Man was I tired! Luckily school was cancelled so I could sleep in!!

View the recording of Amelia’s presentation and questions answered following her presentation. (Click here or on the image below)
RAGAS (Rotary Action Group Against Slavery) RESOURCES
Amelia Stansell, 2024-2025 District Governor, D-7610 (Amelia’s bio)
Amelia’s presentation (Click here)
Amelia’s Slide deck (as pdf)
Take the RAGAS Pledge to Fight Modern Slavery
RAGAS (Rotary Action Group Against Slavery) Restroom poster in English & Spanish (as pdf)
Visit the RAGAS Website & Socials