Greetings All District 5630 Rotarians:Welcome to the new year of Rotary. We start the year out with a new President, who is John Germ and his wife Judy. John has selected the theme of Rotary for 2016-2017 to be Rotary Serving Humanity. I really think that describes...
Order your End Polio Now Gear here.
This is an external link, and you will be redirected when you click the button below.
As World Polio Day approaches, you can purchase your own End Polio Now swag from our friends at Platinum Customs, LLC of Imperial, NE. Proceeds from every purchase are being donated to eradicate polio worldwide.

Past District Governor Deb McCaslin joins Joe and Kelly Kirk on their weekly radio program focused on Rotary service! PDG Deb shares her passion for a project, “Girl’s Empowerment in Zimbabwe”, that you can help with. Listen to the podcast by clicking on the image above. You can find the podcast library under the name Searching for Service.
Youth Exchange News
This is a busy time for Rotary Youth Exchange:Our current hosted students are making plans to return home in the next month or two.Our current Nebraska exchange students who are studying abroad are anxious to return home to their families and friends.Our 2016-2017...
Jack Nicely Memorial Award
Ronna receiving the Jack Nicely memorial reward. Ronna has been a real asset to Rotary, not only on a local level but also on District, Zone and International. She is greatly appreciated.
You Don’t Have to Be a PR Chair to Publicize Rotary
By Cheryl BryanDistrict 5630 Public Image CommitteeAs you may be aware, Rotary International is encouraging all Rotary clubs to use the new, more consistent Rotary logo, which adds the word “Rotary” to the familiar Rotary wheel.Patrick Plantenberg, the Public Image...
Burwell Adopt-A-Highway
The Adopt-A-Highway volunteers held their 26th annual Nebraska Trash-Off April 1st thru April 30th, 2016. In conjunction with this, the Rotary Club of Burwell held its annual trash pickup on May 3rd. The project date had been delayed due to the recent rains in the...
Five tips for increasing your club’s Foundation giving
Scott McLaughlin originally posted this in December, 2012. I don't know about the statistics in the first paragraph, but the advice is still valid. --Cheryl B., District Public Image Chair Over the past four years, the Rotary Club of Honolulu Sunset, Hawaii,...
St Paul Rotary – River Shiver a huge hit!
The River Shiver has been completed - from our contestants one lucky fellow was voted to go into the chilly waters of the Middle Loup River. The event took place March 26th and the lucky "winner" that had received the most "votes", ended up in the Middle Loup river....
Do you have expenses to submit to the District Governor for reimbursement? Click the button to the right and download the form. The form is not editable directly in your browser. After Downloading the fillable form at, reopen using Acrobat Reader. Alternatively, you can use your phone and the QR Code here. You’ll need to have the Adobe Reader App installed on your device for a fillable form. Email the completed form to the District Governor. Don’t forget to attach receipts.