“Summer is for sissies“ Are you ready to paddle for a cause in November at Lake Mac?Join the fun, the adrenaline, support our cause. Every year with our Kayak Big Mac we raise funds for local and international water projects.Nov. 5, 2022All ages are welcomed Divers...
Order your End Polio Now Gear here.
This is an external link, and you will be redirected when you click the button below.
As World Polio Day approaches, you can purchase your own End Polio Now swag from our friends at Platinum Customs, LLC of Imperial, NE. Proceeds from every purchase are being donated to eradicate polio worldwide.

Past District Governor Deb McCaslin joins Joe and Kelly Kirk on their weekly radio program focused on Rotary service! PDG Deb shares her passion for a project, “Girl’s Empowerment in Zimbabwe”, that you can help with. Listen to the podcast by clicking on the image above. You can find the podcast library under the name Searching for Service.
World Polio Day Proclamation – Gov. Ricketts
 State of Nebraska Proclamation WHEREAS, Rotary is a global network of neighbors, friends, leaders, and problem-solvers who unite and take action to create lasting change in communities across the globe including nearly 70 communities here in Nebraska; and WHEREAS,...
Be a ShelterBox Hero
ShelterBox Response Summary Report - Sept. 2022 It’s an incredible feeling to be able reach out and help people on the other side of the world in what is quite possibly the worst moment of their lives. That’s why I support ShelterBox. Pam Furnish,...
Horror Nights Haunted House
Check out our FB events for each day: https://fb.me/e/2AvK9RbG6 https://fb.me/e/1TlUEQTly https://fb.me/e/2lcIy3gdr https://fb.me/e/25yDhgjwmHaunted House - Horror Nights is opening the doors for the 2022 season on October 21st at 7pm (MST). You don’t wanna miss it!...
Pints for Polio – Hastings
In recognition of World Polio Day, Hastings Sunrise and Hastings Noon Rotary with Hastings Young Professionals invites you to join us in our fundraising and awareness efforts to eradicate polio. 5:00 PM - 7:30 PM - Pints, Socia, Pizza & snacks Come socialize with...
Remembering RYLA, the Nebraska 4-H Camp at Halsey
All that remains of the Nebraska 4-H Camp Eppley Lodge is the the commemorative marker and brick chimney. Leave your memories below of your camp year, your counselor expeeriences or how RYLA impacted your life. We are absolutely devastated about the loss of the...
ATV that caught fire sparked wildfire that destroyed Nebraska State 4-H Camp, officials say
The Bovee Fire destroyed the Nebraska State 4-H Camp near Halsey. Terri Licking, Courtesy photoLincoln Journal Star An all-terrain vehicle that caught fire on a recreational trail in the Nebraska National Forest on Sunday sparked the Bovee Fire that has burned nearly...
Imagine Rotary Tour
The Imagine Rotary Tour is coming this fall to a community near you. Everyone is invited to join the tour. If you want to do some good and have some fun, this is the tour for you. Nine hub communities will represent 68 Rotary clubs in two Rotary districts in...
Do you have expenses to submit to the District Governor for reimbursement? Click the button to the right and download the form. The form is not editable directly in your browser. After Downloading the fillable form at https://bit.ly/41w6OMk, reopen using Acrobat Reader. Alternatively, you can use your phone and the QR Code here. You’ll need to have the Adobe Reader App installed on your device for a fillable form. Email the completed form to the District Governor. Don’t forget to attach receipts.